Friday, November 28, 2008
okay... two more weeks man till i'm going back. I'm so excited. I've been going to the dojo quite a lot lately and I've been hanging out with some new Japanese friends. Yuki's and Taka have been showing me the coolest things, man. Karaoke and exploring every nook and corner of Tokyo. It's been a lot of fun. So far nothing much has happened; which is why you haven't heard much of me lately. hehe. just the usual. It started to flurry here the other day. Anyway.... :) i'm bored and i'm watching prison break. OMG! What did Self have to betray everyone???
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
i'm sorry... but i'm drooling over the nikon d90... it's just so beautiful... i think i've posted about it before. But anyway, it just came to mind because I saw it at the electronics store the other day. Yamada. I was looking for a video cam to bring around with me and do some documenting or something. I was at Judo practice yesterday and we had a special night. Some families were invited to join and we showed them routines and stuff... but it was mostly because it was one of our sensei's birthdays. I wish I had a video cam so I could record what was happening. You know, bring it home when I go to America this Christmas. Yeah, I have an SLR right now but it doesn't take video. The d90 does. So I've been contemplating. I love my camera now, but maybe all I need is a little video cam, too. I like the idea of having an all in one. The D90 can record high def movies. :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
woot! James bond quantum of solace will be coming to Japan in 2009! yay! but actually, now that i think about it, i'll probably see it at home when I go back to America for Christmas. So scratch that. hehe... i just drank two cups of coffee so I may be a little bit hyper right now. lol. :D Anyway! the movie looks pretty good with all it's action scenes and stuff. I remember watching the first one with mr. craig and the choreography was just amazing! Especially the first scene of the movie. That just blew my mind. I was also looking at the cinematography as well. Great stuff. Oh yeah, Miss Olga is pretty. :P
Also been keeping up with Prison Break Season 4. There's rumor going on that Michael or Linc might die. That's impossible! I hope it's not true. Because if one of them dies, i think that even less people will continue watching the show. In the past few months, the viewership has plummeted down. I hope they don't kill one of them off. really. A lot of girls will stop watching, too, cause Scofield is gone. argh! no!
I need more coffee i think. Must relax. :D
Saturday, November 15, 2008

omg, have you seen THIS SHOW?? it's awesome. Man, I can't get enough of Kung fu. It just sorta came across my mind even though it ran in the late seventies. I just saw some cool japanese marital arts movie on television so I somehow thought of this old tv series. It stars ol' david carradine as Kwai Chang Kane. Anyway, it was pretty cool. The first season was... but then after that it started to get REALLY cheesy... haha... I've been into doing judo lately so i've been watching a ton of kung fu and martial arts stuff. I just bought a set of bruce lee and jackie chan movies. I'm such a dork. :p
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
There's no title for this post. It's just been a bit cloudy today and windy. But for some reason I went out anyway to do some... um... you know, shoot interesting things with my camera. I didn't think it would rain. Oh wait, I remember in the morning that it was mentioned that there was a slight chance of rain... but that it would be later on in the evening. So I took advantage of this and decided to go out early. I was in a creative mood so I couldn't control myself. But an hour out of the house, it started to rain. And not just a drizzle, too. Like POURING. I didn't have an umbrella and so I had to shelter my precious camera in my jacket. That was stupid of me. I know the forecast said it would rain much later on, but still, I should've known better. If it's anything, I notice that EVERYONE here are usually prepared on a rainy day. You know? I mean, if the tv says it'll rain, EVERYONE will be carrying an umbrella. It's good. But me being still new around here, haven't got used to that yet.
Anyway... not much of a post... but... whatever... since I got drenched today in the rain I've been getting a sneeze and a sore throat. I hope I don't get sick or anything, unless those symptoms are already what you call 'sick'...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Yo yo mina-san... :) I know I haven't been posting much lately cause I've been sorta lazy... but today I knew I needed to put something down. That's pretty pathetic. But as its getting colder here in Tokyo, so are the ideas in my head fading away. Sigh... So...
I've been here in Japan for a few months now. It's been great so far. But for Christmas I think I'm going to visit my family back in America for a week or two. They want me to come. For some reason... really badly. I wonder if there's going to be a surprise when I get there. Some important news of some sort... i don't know... maybe someone is getting married? Having a baby? Maybe maybe maybe! But I'll see if I'll actually go. My parents are going to pay for the ticket. Must be pretty big, then, whatever is happening over there. I just talked to my family on Skype for a few hours yesterday. Everything's the same, but my mom brought the subject up about me visiting home for Christmas. That'd be nice, though. Anyway! I'm running in my words here. :P
But yeah, it'll be a nice break for me. I've been a bit homesick lately. I love Japan, but I do miss the American stuff. Hehe. I miss American girls. :P And English movies. And English video games. :D So I'll see. It'd be nice to show them how I'm doing and to show off my Japanese language skills. lol.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Hey there... Nothing much to update much here. Just been doing the usual. Living around, talking to my friends, watching prison break, going out on photo shoots at the park or down the road, surfing the net... practicing judo... hehe... that's all I've been doing recently. I've also been waiting for Costco to call and they haven't. How sad for me. Maybe I'll just go get a job at the 711 down the street. No - how about open an onigiri shop and sell onigiri for the rest of my life? Haha. Anyway...
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