I have arrived in California safe and sound. The air is strange, the food is strange, the people look strange... The cars are huge, the highways long and wide and there are houses everywhere... There are no vending machines to be seen. When I approach a fellow American, I find myself stuttering, my tongue stuck in between two languages. When I eat, I'm the only one who thanks for the meal. When I go to the convenience store, I see shelves and shelves of chips and drinks... but no onigiri...
Yes, I'm afraid it is. When I arrived in Tokyo a few months ago, I expected to be blown away by the culture and way of life of the Japanese. I WAS blown away, but not the kind where you have a hard time adjusting. I flowed in the river quite nicely, so to speak. I never would have expected to experience culture shock back home, where I had grown up all my life!
It's a strange experience. I miss Japan but I also missed my family and friends. Well, I got what I wished for! :) I've returned but... I feel like I'm a different person... like an alien almost to this country of America. Many things have changed, yet things are still the same. I'm probably just missing Japan and Grandpa. Hehe. :D But it's a very interesting thing, this culture shock feeling. I'm sure I'll adjust in no time, too.